We welcome gently used clothing, furniture, toys, working appliances, linens/bedding, household items and much more.
Located near the front doors are self-serve drop-off bins for a few items.
Our loading dock is located behind the store for quick drop-offs. Second Parking lot entrance opposite Health Club on Barkley.
South of 103rd Street.
Dock Hours
Weekdays 9:30 - 6 | Saturdays 9:30 AM - 4
Closed Sundays
We take washers, dryers and refrigerators in good working order. We need to see a picture of an oven prior to consideration. We do not take dishwashers.
We are happy to pick-up living room, bedroom, office and dining room furniture that is in good condition. While we are there, we can pick up boxed household items and bagged clothing.
Email: blessingsaboundkc@gmail.com
Pick-ups at senior living facilities are handled on a case by case basis depending on current status of the facility and access to their dock.
Please keep garage sale leftovers to a bare minimum
and discard non-sellable items.
Thanks for your support of Blessings Abound.
Stay in touch with us to keep informed of our many sales and promotions. Click the link below to go to our customer sign up page.
Blessings Abound | 10325 Metcalf Avenue | Overland Park, Kansas 66212 (Next to Subway)
Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 | Donation Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 - 5:30
913.648.0700 | blessingsaboundkc@gmail.com
More Blessings Abound | 10363 Metcalf Avenue, | Overland Park, Kansas 66212 (Next to Locks & Pulls)
Store & Donation Hours: Monday - Friday 10 - 5:30 | Saturdays 10 - 4
913.648.0700 | blessingsaboundkc@gmail.com
We are Closed on Sundays
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